Have a look at the pic , it's so touching, isn't it?it fills my eyes everytime i read it , few lines but the feelings are infinite , its divine and the crazy part is i actually have been going through these kind of updates from the past one week, you wanna know why , the even semester has come to an end and so my super seniors will soon be graduating out and this is the FAREWELL season.
something which none of us wants , something which fills our eyes and loads our heart , something which triggers nostalgia and something that is bound to come that is farewell. really you know seeing those guys hitting life hard these days , remembering each and every moment they spent together , living life the way as if the they never lived it before and i never say anything because my moist eyelids say it all .
i lost my friend few weeks before so i know the pain of getting separated from the ones you really care for, the ones you adore and the crazy mofo is that these guys spent years together and the kind of bonding that has been projected out by this batch has been completely out of clouds , they are on cloud nine , they are living the life the way it should be lived, heck with everything they wanna enjoy !
Seeing all this , i had a question for myself and for you too , "why do people enjoy the most at the end of journey?" or we can frame it like, "why do people want to live life the fullest when the end of something is near ?", i mean it's just like "something great is about to end ,you know you cannot stop, you have no option than to say a byee :'( but you still wanna hang on and the more we hang on, it ll pain more when it's not there ! ",so why do we do it then?, and just like always i am here with an answer , this time speaking slowly ,breathing deeply with moist eyelids and cracking voice i ll say
we love things harder when we are about to lose them !
god damn , separation doesn't hurts it rips you apart !
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