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Breeze-tastic Couples !

just sitting and something blew my mind off , it felt as if someone's fired it all and my head's turned a battlefield , how many times do you feel the same , i mean you just keep thinking about something and sometimes you get so damn absorbed into that lake of your imagination that it appears as if that was happening to you ?, ya and you know what?, the beauty is, it appears to be real and the crazy mofo is that we except it , we believe our inferences to the situations and take our awareness to be the reality.
but why the hell am i telling you all that ?,something really crazy , which is happening around is that when you talk to people about loneliness , they pre assume that you have been dumped , so for the sake of clarifying any doubt you might have i wanna tell , sorry i am not . 
alright , now just coming back into the lane , it was a nice, breezy evening , so i just went out to enjoy the breeze and so did some other intelligent guys and their girls. i met my friend there and we were just walking through suddenly we saw a couple there, and probably you can guess what i am going to write next but still i wanna kick that out of my head ;-). they were enjoying the breeze like hell man, i mean as soon as we saw them we said to ourselves "fcuk breeze, watch them , that is more pleasurable :-D", but being in the constraints that people assume us guys to be sincere and not like brownosers, so we controlled our temptations and backed out of the park .
and you tell me what am i supposed to think when i reach home ;-) , yes you are right ! i am going to blog on the void that i felt seeing them , i mean guys, isn't it great to have someone who cares for you like hell , who  cares for each and every tear of your's , with whom your life makes it's meaning , with whom you appear perfect and without whom life loses it's juice. now this might sound a bit cheesy or irrelevant to some  but you know what this is the real life which a human deserves , a life of absolute connection and empathy and u know what?, that's why we are here and that's how we are wired.
Everyone wants a life of absolute connection with other being where the other person makes them feel special and significant , with whom you feel as if no one else matters and you wanna love and adore and enjoy your own sweet,small and spicy world.
and it's really great of god embedding the emotion of caring within us and oh boy ! this emotion sometimes kills  and sometimes sails, all depends , what u say ? 


  1. xcelent xplanatn of a broken heart .... its tht emotn whch cn xperienced only u luved sum1 ..... fr me ths ws an xcellent piece n i cud cmpare mee wth ths .....
    again grt job done by Rachit Sharma ..

  2. well the pleasure is mine :) , thanks , keep visiting :)


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