Machiavellian Are You?
each statement and decide if you agree, are undecided or disagree with it. On a piece of paper write the
numbers 1. through 10. Opposite each number place the value
of the number that you chose under agree, undecided or disagree. For example,
if you agree with statement number 1. you will place a 5next
to 1. on your paper.
Statements . . . . . . . . . . Agree Undecided Disagree
1. Most people are honest. 5 3 1
2. Most people think first of their pocket-
and later about right or wrong. 1 3 5
3. To get someone to like you, tell that
what he or she wants to hear. 5 3 1
4. The best way to earn someone’s
is to be kind and honest. 1 3 5
5. The best way to earn someone’s
is show him or her your power. 5 3 1
6. There are no absolute rights and
“Right” is what works. 5 3 1
7. A good president reads the polls to
find out what people want and
those things his policies. 5 3 1
8. Most people are extremely selfish. 5
3 1
9. A promise is a sacred trust. 1
3 5
10. Nice guys finish last. 5
3 1
Now add
up the values (numbers) on your paper that you printed next to the numbers 1.
through 10.
If your
Machiavellian Score Is 10-23
You are
not at all Machiavellian. Some would say you are an idealist and an optimist
about human nature. You have strong ideas about right and wrong.
If your
score is 24-36
You are
more cautious about trusting human nature and less idealistic than those who
scored above. You know that selfishness can sometimes get in the way of lofty
If your
score is 37-50
You are a true Machiavellian. You are practical to
the point of being a hard-headed cynic, not very trusting
about human nature, and ready to deal with
what is, rather than what ought to be.
Whilst some of the ideas are very good, I think you got a little confused on number 1. Machiavellians would disagree with that entirely.