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Life hacking techniques: Part 6 (Make people reveal )

what i have for you in this blog is a master key so as to hack into people's past and really get them to talk all what you want to listen. so lets jump in and here we fly :

hi , hows you ?, it's been summer here and i was just feeling sleepy and a bit lazy to do the chores i am supposed to, i was in college , so just to while away my time i skipped lectures and went to the ground and  started having a chat with the people around, it was just a sinking conversation and it went on but after sometime i realized i could a hell out of it and you know what i did and i am going to share that up with you.

Situation :
I was just talking to one of my friend ,not a very good friend i must say and we were just talking about something weird and a girl just passed by and as you can guess we digressed from our real topic and landed into the zone of "life and ladies" :-D . so while we were just talking on it , i asked him, "hey, tell me your wish list ! ", now with someone you talk once a week or even once a month  , how many of you will tell that ? , at least i won't as i cannot trust someone just for a reason that he is in my class and i see him daily. and as expected he didn't told me that and digressed from the topic. "failure :( "!
                                                                                                         Now with the another person comparable to the first one i was talking with told me the whole list under the sections of his previous schools and then college and the class itself , now was that cool ! , you might say that the person was just different and a bit extrovert that's it ! , well it might be but i too did something really covert there !

while talking to the second person , what different i did was that before arriving to what i wanted to listen , i made him listen what he should say ;-), i didn't asked him whether he ll tell , i started telling straightaway .
Here's the conversation :
Me: "hey , you know what i am going to tell you something interesting , you ready ? "
Friend : Yup
Me: you know what i trust you , don't leak but i ll tell you the names of all the crushes i had till date from school to college , i want to get that crap out of me :-P
Friend : say it man (excited)
Me: i told him and it was a long list (just to confuse , so that he does not remember's anything specific , i made the some names of the girls in college, same as the one's in school ,so that i can back off if he does something offbeat at the end.)
Me: it was a long list na ?, Hey you might be having some ?, and i trust you ! (to create dependence after question , so as to make him more submissive)
Friend : ya i had .......
and he told the list and spoke what i wanted to listen !

Remember :
The best way to make people reveal is to tell them your story , and create dependencies through arguments by repeatition  .

Beware: this one works best on Submissive People , rest , apply at your own risk !

Use this knowledge for good and be sensitive to feelings of other's. 


  1. I will be cautious next time when I talk with u...hehehe :P but was good piece to read.:)

    1. hey , i am a supporter of good :) , i guard friends just see ,otherwise i would not have given you this link, isn't it ?

  2. Okzzz I do agree...but kisko pata u may use the same principle with me too...y not be cautious? ;) waise bhi there are no such mysterical secrets which couldn't be shared with frnds. :) no need to worry.:)

  3. Just kidding yaar...! I know ur very good and seriously I m very thankful for letting me know this technique:) try dis new way such as 'confrontational therapy' too for furthur way of letting urself know more about people u meet:)


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