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Turning 20,Turning trends

50 bucks in pocket and feeling as if you are the richest , having a frooti in hand and feeling way way above the moon, enjoying every sip till the last , sulking over for no reasons , the time when "one tip one hand", with friends was just my small sweet world.
life moved on and so did me, years passed and 50 changed to the amount i am still in search for, redbull and gatorade took the trend, "one tip one hand", was lost , all those friends too and even those lanes. i was oblivious of what was happening and also to the warning but today looking back at those twenty years and getting nostalgic , i feel life has not taken a turn , it probably has changed it's lane. 
a carefree kid to a reserved teenager and now i am hanging around somewhere in between , i don't know but  still you got to except what life bakes for us.
A lot of things have changed like, now many things could be done without permissions, no higher command on your head everytime, increased pocket money and a licence to drive , no school uniform, no morning prayer , no standing in line during assembly and no one there to check your dress , punctuality is somewhat outdated, bunking which was an adventure in school has become a fashion in college and we all are it's true followers, abusing teachers for our faults is our greatest escape , retest is swapped by "back", and 50 is now the passing barrier ,moist eyes and  KFC is in trend and party is just a reason , party on passing and even party on BACK ? :O , surprising but it's true !, honesty in voice and honesty in actions is somewhat extinct , deception is the crop of profit and fake smiles cover your day, dressing to show off , taking pics of every single event so as to increase your count on facebook is just an epidemic, weird poses on roads, weird slang in status is now what takes to be called COOL, simplicity finds no place , copy paste is the new motto ,i don't know where the boat's heading but either we need to sail it correct or we will blow with the wind. 

to wipe it ALL i ll say :  

have a great life ahead guys ! 


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