farewell , sounds a bit cheesy to you , it may just because we are two strangers now , and you know what i got no problems whatsoever the way you have treated me , you got all the rights to be that way because it's your life and it's normal now, you want no interventions from anywhere , you want to enjoy , common baby do it, that's what you are here for.
enjoy with all those who eat meals with you , enjoy with all those who make you laugh when you don't even want to smile ;) , enjoy with all those who could possibly make you feel special and really special for a moment and be a queen of moments and a beggar of life. i loved your commitments , i wanna make you my idol and i want to undergo a course on "how to ignore all what people do for you"! , i mean you are fantastic in that , i don't have words but i ll still write because i got something in store.

"i know you have forgiven me", but imagine if someone else would have forgiven you the same way. you would have climbed moon till now and never be back, your life would have ROCKED.
"i know you are grateful to me", but is this the way people show their gratefulness , if yes , oh man i got to tell people don't be grateful to me!
i don't want to have any trials now as i have said it all and you have read it , no replies and that was so cool of you , i always thought that whatever may be the case one person is there who understands me , now was i too wrong?.
you might have a lot of BUDDIES around and someone special too but let me tell you , if you think , hanging out with people , laughing together for 4 hours , someone spending your pocket money on you for no good reason, group of four and loads of pic on facebook to upload is going to earn you FRIENDS. think again !
okay so at last , i want to thank you for forgiving me and being grateful to me, i don't know if you 'll miss those psycho lectures ,but remember life is never the same , have a great life ahead and hey , for god sake don't make any more mistakes in your life now as you have already thrown the dustbin off your house and he can't see you in pain .
signing off , into the river of eyes .........
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