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Shattered Commitments

How is it like when you feel that connection with somebody, how does it feel like when you feel like taking over everything for and taking everything to a level where there lies intense love , how do you feel when other person looks like oxygen to you , you just cannot live but suddenly the pressure shifts , the winds starts flowing the other way , the road to pleasure becomes an Adventure sport, you feel like you lost something , something is going away , someones taking your breath away , you feel like the juice is not lasting and finally the mirror of the great relation shatters and that too just because of a small scratch of uncertainty. 

So this is your buddy rachit , with you to take u to a tour of life expertise and specifically the most looked after the relationship tour , so just set back , relax and unleash why that juice in relationships now last no longer than a phones battery ? .
So lets start with a simple question of what is the main motive of relationship , it can be any one your love or with your friends , anywhere , just ask yourself ? and the answer to this riddle is "it is the place to amplify your emotions ", and this is a bulls-eye , isn't it? you ask yourselves why did you want or you already are in a relationship , its just because it s the human need to be felt in connection.we need to be felt like million dollars , we need more and this is just another demand. 
but if love is just another demand and we crave for it why does it end then , why do we lose that juice that we had in the beginning and sabotage our own feelings of pleasure , if you are not sure on this , you better will be just uncover the next few lines.
                                            There are to basic principles which drive any relationship and if you lack these fundamental hits you better be prepared for a fall. so these are ;
* Variety
* Significance
 variety in the sense that you need to feel special everytime and not get caught up in the ring of predictability, because once you land there you lack that juice of mysteries and surprises and life with you becomes a simple mundane routine. 
Significance on the other hand is when you make the other person feel important and make them feel that you care and they carry a special port in your systems, this is when you actually strike the chords of oneness and intimacy. 
            So if u think your relationships are not working just look at it from my 2 d perspective and analyse, do you fall in these categories ??
if your relationship is not where you wanted it to be change the inner you
and then also if it does not work
Change it !


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