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Confidence Of confident

You know what i was really in no mood to cross my fingers across my keyboard but something so strong happened in the day that i had to , i felt i should have my neurons running on this topic and so here i am with my new thought for you guys.
you know what i really respect each one of you reading this post and devoting me some time from your schedule and you know what in this post of mine i will throw a light on something which people really talk so general and that is "Confidence and Over confidence". 
I was just sitting today and was preparing for a symposium where i had to speak on the specific topic of Euthanasia and in was pretty confident that my presentation would lead people to a next level of thinking , where they could actually get the strike of something unconventional, so some of my friends came to me and asked me "so are u confident?" i said "yes i am and you just see i am going rock it too !", then they looked at me , i looked at them , silence around , and u know what something interesting happened , silence was shattered with my friend saying "Don't be overconfident !", and he left.
                                                                                                  so that made me write on this and i m going to give you an angle where these two things gets molded as a perfect casting.
there are two things :
* Can u ?
* Will u ?
i usually am not interested in can i , because you know what there is so much power inside a human to virtually make anything happen , you want to make million dollars , you can
you want to have the man/woman of your dreams, yes you can 
you want to live like a king, yes you can 
you want to be the ruler of your life, yes of course you can make it happen ! 
                                                                                                   I don't know what it is but we can make anything happen unless we have a big enough WHY for it , take this choose any area where things are not the way you want them to be , any one , and then analyse do you have a big enough why , if not make that why big enough and then see .
       so coming back what we have in confident people is that they focus on actions rather that abilities , they know they can but they focus on power, they focus on action and what over-confident people do , they just over - exaggerate the abilities they say "i can make this! ", but sorry baby, life is more about "will you ?".
So i lay rest to my fingers by putting across the confidence of the confident liner :
If u have a big enough WHY to do something HOW to will come up ! 


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