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My mother was so right

Sitting today when i face the real challenges that life brings with it, i remember the real teachings that my parents embedded me with. their real teachings and now i see how much true and practical they have been in today's arena .
so here i present to you the 9 teachings of my parents gave me :

You can make huge difference :
my mother always used to say me that everyone can make a point in this world, we have come up here to prove our mettle and no one is small and everyone is embedded with talents and if harnessed the world will be at our feet.

Make yourself your priority:
Make yourself your first priority , know that the world loves those who live for their dreams
each success story started by changing the focus to their own dreams and a commitment to make them true.  

Manage your time:
Manage your time, this is a priceless and managing it is the stepping stone to your success story and will always be the key factor to care and ponder upon if you want to win.

Listen to everyone but do yours:
Having opinions is necessary but doing what you think is right for you should be done after complete analysis as, how do we gain experience?? , it is only gained by making more wrong decisions and then learning the lessons.

Life will sometimes be cruel to you:
Life is a road with ups and down and there will be some times when you will be low on zeal , do not stop but keep going till your goal is reached.

Don’t fill the fulfilled :
Helping the right people at the right time is the right thing but knowing who really needs help is an art thus helping only those who need it badly is the correct way to give it, filling the fulfilled is worst.

School does matter :
She always says to me that whatever you learn matters and school is a very important place to inherit good traits and thus whatever you will learn in school will shape your future to some extent.

Everything happens for a good:
This is really a great one and after 19 years i feel that yes, whatever happens happen for a good and there is always a reason for anything that takes place and god associates some good to everything .

Never be afraid :
Never be afraid to try something new , fear is death be filled with vitality and a never ending zeal to achieve greater heights.

Did your mom and dad too shared the same with you, i am sure she would would have , it’s just that i followed and wrote and if u feel nostalgic after this post , i m sure they too had embedded them in you.
<3 you mom and dad <3


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