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my savoir tongue

I was sitting , there was silence all around and you know why just because the teacher was scribbling something on board , the vibes of disinterest all around but suddenly a bell rang and everyone rose from ashes and jumped into the gigantic ocean of making fun. bullies back to work and what more to say it was my turn this time .

The group of five came to me, they gazed at me,i gazed at them and suddenly one of them came out and asked me " What is the first thing you notice in girls ? ", and i was stunned "man, what the question is this ?", with girls all around everyone in class staring at me how do i answer the truth ? , and then i said "That's interesting,why would you ask me that ? ", one of them shouted "Answer the question you ...." ,

Now the mercury was rising but i came out with a beauty that stunned them and it was rated the best answer by my classmates,i said "I notice the fun bags on their household on the first look ,you got that if not there's no one dumber than you ", and they walked away and yoooo i won and my mind and tongue got me out of the fire line. 


  1. You can, of course, notice the contours of the funbags... but they aren't on 'their household' for sure!

    Hope you locate and read my KFC contest entry too...

    1. now this creates an area of subjectivity , as to which place you pre assume their household to be

  2. LOl man..
    nicely said "I notice the fun bags on their household on the first look ,you got that if not there's no one dumber than you " :D
    All the best for contest.
    check out mine. :D

    1. i ll surely check it out and tnx for ur words of admiration


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