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Life hacking techniques : part 2

So welcome back its been nice and feels life writing this article  
If u have not checked my previous article please do that as we got to talk with reference to the conversation given in that....”do it fast”
So in my previous article i  made you familiar with the basic that “agree” to people, choose a topic of mutual agreement and the digress to a social arena
So with this lets jab in , and make ourselves the t-shirts when people Sweat.
U look interested  man!!!
So now the second step is gona be with reference to that story part which neeraj started ...
Ok so STORIES , people like it, is an understatement they love stories and you know what they Adore storytellers. 

So why Wait be a one ......
Remember this , telling stories never helps what helps is touching the right spot at the right moment . Stories Help a lot ...
But there is an art of telling Stories , Art of choosing Correct and “zero-rejection” Topics..
I  give you an example one of my friends was sitting in class i was busy listening to my mp3 player . and then suddenly his crush came . there were three people in the class “i , he and  she”
He was desparate to talk and i could feel that rising testosterone levels, the way he asked me.
But you see “asking me , what to do when the girls sitting the desk besides is a moron thing ! isn’t it?”
I said “don’t disturb me , you moron ,start the talk, i want to enjoy music!”
And you know what he started with “good morning ” and it ended there !
And i was like take anything and BANG HIS HEAD “what the Ruck was this ?”
Is this an acceptable way u say , no, not at all, the way u initiate propels your total score of conversation .u might have beauty in content but the way u start leads the way to its progress 
So Now lets have an example through conversation how to initiate in these arenas :
Neeraj: hey , nice morning na , cool breeze?
Neha: ya !
Neeraj: So What’s upto these days?
Neha: Just Studying and Sleeping!
Neeraj: same here , and u knw what, really interesting thing happened yesterday while i was going back to Home!
Neha: what???
Neeraj: it was like i go the same way but yesterday i met someone!
Neha: ohh...who??
Neeraj: my friend Rachit, we were like meeting after 5 years and he was like a piece of plump and i was zero size in front of him.
Neeeraj: but it was enjoyment we went to keventers and had a party and felt like life again ,
Neha: sounds really nice!
Neeraj: Smthng like this happened to u too??
Neha: ya and ......
So this way u can go on in the conversation and build up as what u wanted a baseline has been achieved.
Science Behind Conversation:  see we want to start a conversation that way ,that the other person doesn’t feels like “Answer and go”. So the conversation was started in a  Bit unconventional. Semi-covert manner.
Then a bit of serious quote to enter and jab your view into mind ..
Then whn u feel like the body signals are down and the person like drops head and convinced of your idea ,  you now need to make that person speak “anything no matter what ”
In the conversation neeraj asked about”whats upto these days ” but that was just to get attention . his next reply was pre-rendered and it would be same irrespective of what replies you get for that Question.
You then need to get into what we call story telling . so neeraj now told story and that too which was Zero-rejection because Old Friends everyone craves for. And needless to say It was a fake story . and on that he involved neha too and u put yourself in that state , u too would be triggered...
And then you can go on in your conversations both are indulged..
Try it....
So in my next article , don’t miss, something really interesting in store, which is gona define ur success rates...
And there’s lots of tricks to catch...
the next article is available on

Rachit Sharma


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