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Life Hacking Techniques

How do you feel , when your friends or someone more important doesn’t messages you?

How do you feel, when you have logics but people ask for stupidity?
Set back relax and This is gona b the best articles the best of lot u can ever handle
so what are we waiting for lets jab ass into social covert mechanisms 
and you know what this is it ....The Secrets of Influence....

Here we go ...lets fly 
Hello guys this is Rachit Sharma and in this article of mine i m gona unlock and unleash some of the very great covert mechanisms that if followed you can really get on someones head ...sounds interesting ,, isn’t it ?
And more importantly it works ...this is all practical
So in my this article i m gona tell u a whole outlook of what we gona do during this course and some basic to get ready to jab into...
So lets start...
1. First of all before we start off lets wait and lets ask ourselves “why do i need to influence others ? why do you need it rachit”
Bring reasons for this question and bring them out through pen.
So you are done.

Now we have something of what i call a border. A periphery which we need to achieve and that is more important , u got to be Specific , about achieving .

2. Secondly , lets get on to a whole list of people you want to influence .”get them down on paper , NOW”
So u have a list now , it may be your friends, co-workers, opposite sex  for sure , cool you are learning fast!
So we have a list now so lets prioritise the people and then ........
  1. Now what you need to do is understand something called a human need .
Now when you are sitting with the opposite sex you need to talk from a point of view of flow .
Now this is like a river flowing and a rock comes in between and water splashes.This is not what we want,we want ideas to flow like butter on a hot toast
So to inculcate this basic Stategy we got to use something of Social acquiesce.
now this is like a GURU MANTRA here,

Never initiate a topic of mutual disagreement .

You need to make other person feel as much agreed to the levels as u could , people hate contradictions but they love analysis. so as to have a good conversation Analyse surroundings and choose topics , digress from there on and then enter a social jab arena.
isn’t it cool?

Lets have a conversation between Neeraj and Neha:

The arena is a College Corridor , both standing.
Neeraj: hey look at this crap , what a colour is this for a building, u like it?
Neha: not that much bad !
Neeraj: ya, but don’t u think a little more shaded would add to the beuty of this shade.
Neha: may be?
Neeraj: what colour do u like?
Neha: pink!
Neeraj : simply fantastic , thats a tranquilizer!
Neha: How?
Neeraj: there’s a story linked to pink colour , a brilliant one , i will tell u , it’s about like 2 teams and one losing just because of colour, strange isn’t it?
Neha: ya !
Neeraj: ohh..i got to go for a class , will get back on to this , till then its a suspense!
Neha: ya , bye , c u later!
So this conversation has a lot to learn from the way u introduce stories and how and then why did the Neeraj go when the flow was coming (obviously not for class, he was on bunk), 

Rachit sharma


  1. Quite cool stuff i m waiting for the articles to come on the same line , please write more on this

  2. I'd like to see you do this stuff.. ;)

    Its good that you think about it.

  3. i m just askin .........does this work in real life .? i am a teen and would it work with my friend ? according to me they will just think m mad .. it true that it works with all age group ....?

    1. i m a college student myself , the basics of conversation abhove was analyzing your surroundings and starting a talk , then leaving your partner at the time when the rapport was just about to get establish , so that you don't look like pushy , this works and it did for me
      you can google "fractionation Rapport for reference"


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