Mobile is your weapon !
Well i m really happy that you are still with me and we are at the part 5 of the life hacking techniques and you know what ? this time what i have for you is a knowledge of timed interrupts, now this term might seems a bit heavy to engulf but takes my words this technique is one of the basic and the most effective technique so as to confuse and get the other person thinking about you.
now the information i am sharing with you is sensitive and should be used in a positive sense so as to gear up your defenses.
so what's going on ? , here we go ..
What is an interrupt ? now an interrupt is anything done so as to obstruct the flow of any emotion or work. This is just like you get to break someones pattern and this way the person doesn't feels the same again. now if you break someones life pattern at the specific time everyday , it is called timed interrupt.
Explanation :
few days ago , me and my friend were sitting and for no surprise he has real fun in his life with three girls under his belt , so we were just discussing about the way he actually used to approach and what were his real strategies so as to get a breakthrough from a total stranger to a nice friend and all through SMS although she ignored him in the starting.
aaha , and now here is what he did, he used to message her but the girl usually never used to reply, now there's a saying "nothing is really over unless u stop trying :D", he kept on messaging and messaging and after a few weeks he stopped it all and you will be surprised that the girl messaged him back asking whats wrong ? :D.
now here's the real key, if you message someone daily then have a specific time like 08:30 in the morning or any time you want but have a time and stick to that so that you enter into someones mind and as soon as their phone rings on that specific point they are able to predict its you :), now what you do by this is that you enter into their pattern and become a part of it , keep messaging for 21 days and then STOP , as soon as you stop, you now break up their pattern , and by this you get the required power and significance in their mind. they 'll keep wondering what went wrong and they 'll never know , that you hijacked something.
key : sometimes control is best gained by losing it ! , keep rocking ! :)
Well i m really happy that you are still with me and we are at the part 5 of the life hacking techniques and you know what ? this time what i have for you is a knowledge of timed interrupts, now this term might seems a bit heavy to engulf but takes my words this technique is one of the basic and the most effective technique so as to confuse and get the other person thinking about you.
now the information i am sharing with you is sensitive and should be used in a positive sense so as to gear up your defenses.
so what's going on ? , here we go ..
What is an interrupt ? now an interrupt is anything done so as to obstruct the flow of any emotion or work. This is just like you get to break someones pattern and this way the person doesn't feels the same again. now if you break someones life pattern at the specific time everyday , it is called timed interrupt.

few days ago , me and my friend were sitting and for no surprise he has real fun in his life with three girls under his belt , so we were just discussing about the way he actually used to approach and what were his real strategies so as to get a breakthrough from a total stranger to a nice friend and all through SMS although she ignored him in the starting.
aaha , and now here is what he did, he used to message her but the girl usually never used to reply, now there's a saying "nothing is really over unless u stop trying :D", he kept on messaging and messaging and after a few weeks he stopped it all and you will be surprised that the girl messaged him back asking whats wrong ? :D.
now here's the real key, if you message someone daily then have a specific time like 08:30 in the morning or any time you want but have a time and stick to that so that you enter into someones mind and as soon as their phone rings on that specific point they are able to predict its you :), now what you do by this is that you enter into their pattern and become a part of it , keep messaging for 21 days and then STOP , as soon as you stop, you now break up their pattern , and by this you get the required power and significance in their mind. they 'll keep wondering what went wrong and they 'll never know , that you hijacked something.
key : sometimes control is best gained by losing it ! , keep rocking ! :)
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