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God : cool dude

8:20pm and i am smiling , my mother comes into my room and she looks at me , looks at me again ,i look at her and she gives me a weird look and says me "whats wrong with u ?, are u out of your minds?" , just because i was sitting and giggling for no reasons, i had my project under completion, i had a lot of stuff under my belt to work upon but still no tension whatsoever and i was sitting idle and giggling.

Now that's not strange for some of you as you might have experienced it before, just take this "assume you got great tension boiling in the vessel which separates human from an animal :-D and along with that you got a lot of work to put your eyes on , you got no one around to share your frustration with and you somewhat feel like rejected, then suddenly from no where someone appears, u talk your heart out to them and you feel absolutely majestic after that !", now how many of you have experienced it before ? and how does that feel. 

Same was with me , i was all into tensions and had no one around i could open all my heart with and suddenly that cool dude sent someone who just vanished all my tensions and gave me the required positive dose to work and accomplish , a dose to rise to a newer level,a dose which filled me again with passion and energy and all those tensions seemed to vanish in a flash. i felt so light at mind and even lighter at heart that everything's gonna be fine .
I really thank almighty and his infinite wisdom , he is great , he's cool , he's got plans for everyone and if you got no support take my words you are about to get one , he is a real hard cool dude, i mean man u rock this universe , i bet no one can battle your taste and thanks dude for galvanizing me and sending your messenger to make me positive and fill me with empowering meaning, seriously man you are
G: Great
O: Oasis
D: Dashing 

and so is your messenger ! 
:) :) :) :) 


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