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90 days to KICK ASS

It feels good to be back guy, it's been a long time i last wrote but that may be because i was really going thru some shit in life and i got serious about it and so here i am guys giving you guys an advice and take a serious note of this "Shit happens but just don't get serious about it incase u do then join the gym".

okay lets get straight on this , i used to love a girl and she pretended she loved me , the bonding was way too strong guys and i really was serious about her and probably thats where i went wrong , doesnt it happens with u people , like u get serious about someone and then that person starts to treat u like a dog , fuck yes , same was with me , i loved her , i cared for her and in the end all i got was "i have so many friends i dont need a boyfriend ?", ohh man really , i was burnt till the core guys , i was like i didnt knew how to react , may be since it was the first one .i still remember her smiling face and those traces of sublimated love that she had, she had forgotten all what we had been like , she had forgotten all my love and care, she had broken all her promises and all i knew at that time was that only drowning in the tears could take me back to the surface.

so then i surfed net and got to know about thus 90 day "NO CONTACT policy" and i was like , i wanna get that bitch out of my mind man and i went with this , 90 days no message , no call and then block the shit. guys i used to miss her and shit , with all the bad taste that was left i used to feel like calling her and making her realize how wrong she had done to me but i resisted to all that and as the days became weeks , weeks became months it went down , the feelings i had for her started to melt away and here i am guys after 90 days , completely recovered. this works !!

remember guys , the greatest revenge in life is being happy and move on , get six pack abs guys and then post pictures , surely it ll burn her inside out incase u r a girl reading this, hit the life back by being in better shape (ur waist 70% of the hip size) and show that mofo that u deserve to have more in life , u deserve a man rather a barking needy dog. be someone guys , be remembered , build a legacy and life will never be the same , it ll turn beautiful.

i feel soo free now and i feel like living guys , incase you are also having problems overcoming the bad taste someone threw at u , feel free to drop a mail , would love to help.


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