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A lover's Fear

well let me get this straight for you and put it like this , in every relationship that exists there is always a person who has a greater fear of losing the other, all his actions are directed so as to bring the other person into a zone where he/she experiences the joy of a pure relation, his eyes get moist with even a slightest thought of losing his partner and he lives a life of submission in order to be with his life.

there are times when there occurs a little friction and take a note that even if someone goes behind you after you have been rude to them , they love you more than they respect themselves, your words might make their eyes heavy but for them your smile is everything. relationships were never meant to be easy and neither hard on the consistent basis , it's always has been a blend of soft and bitter realizations and we keep wandering till we get that one person who means everything to us , without whom you cannot imagine this world and you always know it when you find such a person.
life becomes so beautiful when you have someone who builds a mansion of smiles on the land of pain and rejections, you just want to be with them , spend as much time as you can and all the more the last thing you can't see is their Anger towards you and that's because "you are afraid , that you might lose them", and that feeling , that insecurity goes in recursion till you have a talk and you see them smile. life stops and heart gets heavy and all you secretly pray is that your fears should never turn a reality !
#adore yourpartnerin everywayasyourlovewillswipetheiranger


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