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why people hurt ?

going back into the deep memory lane where lies nothing but darkness and realities of how much rude people have been , no light of kindness expect the ray of love by family overshadowed by the cruelty of the world outside who treat humans like toolboxes.

This is somewhat funny , i was just thinking , how come everyone has so much time to hurt me always ? , i mean i just can't stop myself from laughing that every time i help someone why do i get in return a harsh end , i m sick of it now , i don't feel like helping people , i just feel like i should only mend my own ways let people brick their walls themselves , let them be the drivers of their own destinations and probably they are for them i m just a signboard.
Now , sometimes do you feel the same , do you feel like doing good for people sometimes doesn't pays the way we expect it to be and sometimes suddenly their is an outburst where it was least expected .
thinking all day about it and listening to some audio's by Anthony Robbins i have got a way to make myself feel better and if u feel the same way as i do , it ll make your life free of stress (the code word ) .
Situation 1 : sometimes people don't pay heed to those who helped them during their hours of needs and
                      stick to their own world , isn't it?
Situation 2 : sometimes people just share their sorrows with us and leave us in our time , they appear to us                             like the one's insensitive to other's and just like the butchers of other's feelings ?

Coping strategy :
now what u need to understand is that everyone has their basic needs which define their lifestyle ,
now the mantra is that
"people will violate their values so as to meet their needs !"
and this is really the one which changed the way i used to get upset when people did not respond the way i expected , the point is
"no one has the time to hurt others , they just satisfy their own needs , we happen to get into their ways and ask yourself "what else could this mean ?" "

so make sure you think it loud whenever u get angry on someone !


  1. very true. value systems are made not only flexible but also racing towards extinction in the present times. good thought provoking post.

    1. agreed sir but values can never be extinct rather they can just be modified for ease and that has been achieved through rationalizations and this is what is actually happening

  2. The mantra kind a remove the bad taste left in my mouth from their using me and forgetting I exist.

    1. yes it does as the best part is it makes us get leverage on our own self , isn't it ?


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