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Showing posts from June, 2021

What is life all about ?

 Fear, insecurity, ambition, love, greed, wants, needs....  why do we have it all ?, where does it lead to ?, what are afraid of ?, maybe life itself.   I don't know but i feel a sudden stillness while thinking about it all. Thinking about why all of this even exists, why do even i exist ? I saw people really close die, some were even of my same age,  so if death is a destination and life is a journey, why am i afraid of things around, why am i afraid of not being enough, why do i want more, why do i want to have enough ?, why am i soo lost in the journey whose purpose i am unsure of ?, which brings me to another point, what is the purpose of our existence?  I don't know the purpose, is it to take care of the ones around us, spread happiness, bring more good into this world, i don't know. I don't even know if thats going to even matter once i go away.  from what i feel right now, i prefer stillness over happiness. it's calming, it clears your head, giv...