eyes cry i laugh , i smile , i never cry , i say i am too strong , i say i can handle anything, i am the master of my emotions but then a sound deep inside echoes ,"who are u kidding?", and i say ,"myself" . I get numb , i don't know why but ya i do, looks like i m all alone and my eyes speak it all and you know what i ferry through this gloomy lane everyday, sometimes i think i should quit but is it the real solution? , i don't know but at least i ll be free from loads of expectations and i ll no longer annoy people whom i care for, whom i live this life for , who are the source of my everyday excitement and happiness. Nobody understood me and i don't expect people to understand me too, they ask, why do you laugh too much? ,and deep inside i say just to hide my tears, pain kills and it kills more when you have no one to share it , my laughter, my mindset this is just a way to reduce it, just a way to suppress my everyday desolation, it helps me ...
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